Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beautiful Lake at First

If I recall correctly, I think the mountain's name was "First". I don't know why it has such a funny name, maybe it was the first mountain the Swiss discovered :)

In order to reach this mountain, we have to go by cable car. Once we were up there, we realised there were nothing much to see. But after checking out the map, we noticed that there was a lake located in the middle of the mountain, and judging from the map, it didn't look too far to walk. So, we packed some food from the nearby restaurant (thinking that we can have our picnic there) and started walking. However, after almost an hour walk, there were still no sight of the lake, except for a few cows munching grass nearby, and the fantastic smell of cow dung! We began to worry that we could have taken the wrong route. 
Fortunately, we met some people who were coming down the mountain and so we enquired from them whether there was a lake. Imagine our horror when they told us, yes, there was one but it was another 1 hour walk from where we were. Since we were neither here nor there, we decided to continue our journey (cursing and swearing at the map, of course). Finally after another 1 hour walk, we saw the lake. That was when I understood why people were willing to take the walk even though it was far. 

Look at the picture, wasn't that worth it?