Tuesday, August 19, 2008

St. Moritz

St. Moritz, one of the little town in Switzerland I like the best. It could be because, it was the first place and first time I saw snow. After leaving Lugano, we drove to St. Moritz. 

In Switzerland, there are a lot of mountain passes that you have to cross in order to reach another place. It means that we are crossing from one mountain to another. As we were on the pass leading to St Moritz, there were already a tiny weeny bit of snow. But it was so little, it melted immediately as soon as we touched it. When we reached there, the weather was very cold (it is always very very cold the day before it snow, but less cold once it started snowing). When we went for dinner, the waiter told us that it might snow the next day, but we only believe him half heartedly because we were at the another place before that, where the locals said it would snow, but it didn't happen. 

The next morning, it did snow but again very little, and for a short period only. We were pretty disappointed and was hoping that it will snow again. The following morning, Christine woke me up at 7am in the morning. I asked her why she woke me so early, and she told me she had  a surprise for me. 

We were staying in an apartment facing a big lake in St Moritz, and across the lake, we could see the mountain with lots and lots of pine trees. I opened the curtains and was so happy and shocked to see everything in white. It had snowed the night before and was still snowing. It was such a pretty sight, I can only described the scenery as something out of a Christmas postcard. 

We quickly changed and walked in the snow to a bakery nearby. Somehow, freshly baked croissant tasted so much better when the weather was cold. It snowed for 3 whole days. Although there were nothing much we could do during that time, I definitely had the best time then.