Thursday, July 31, 2008

Grindewald, Switzerland

From Lurcerne, we drove straight to Grindewald, a little beautiful town in Switzerland. When we reached there it was already 3pm-4pm but it felt much longer due to jet lag. Unlike here, the Tourist Information in Europe are pretty efficient, and so we managed to book an apartment through them quickly.


It was an apartment house (meaning, it’s actually a house but they rented out the upper part as a guest house). In actual fact, it looked more like a little cottage for me (as shown in the picture). The view from our bedroom window was very, very pretty as it overlooked a mountain called “The Blue Mountain”. It was named after that because, due to certain lighting factor, the mountain actually looked blue in color. After checked in, we all felt very tired and decided to take a short nap (that was about 5pm). Our short nap however turned into a sleep (due to the jet lag, of course), because the next thing I knew, it was 12am J 

One funny incident there was, the hot water supply in this place was controlled, and the landlord did not informed us. As it was very cold, we used up all the hot water to wash dishes and ended up having to take a cold shower the next day. Can you imagine bathing in iced cold water in such weather? I can J